Finding Grandpa

Genealogical Research Services

Free Estimates For All Services

Services Available

In order to send you a free estimate, I need to know what type of service you are looking for, what format you want the results to be in, as well as, the information you already have on your family.  


There is a variety of services available:

  • Hunt for your missing ancestors  
  • Create your family tree  
  • Verify accuracy of an existing tree
  • Show you how to create a tree  
  • Create books, posters or calendars 

See the Contact page for my email address and phone number.

Estimate Process

After I review your information, understand what type of service you are requesting, and know in what format you prefer the results, I will send you a quote.

If you wish to proceed, I will send an agreement detailing what my primary and any secondary goals will be.

Purchasing the service is done either by mailing a check, or simply calling me with your credit card information. 

I will keep you posted throughout the research, in case you want me to change directions and focus on another line of your family tree. 

Basic Rates

My hourly fee is $20.00.  Projects quoted up to $500.00 will require a minimum down payment of $100.00.  Projects quoted over $500.00 will require a 50% minimum down payment.  Projects that include editing or verifying an existing online family tree require prepayment of all services.  

Payment plans are readily available, and we can proceed at whatever pace suits you best.    

There is no commitment for any time not spent.  Full or partial refunds of down payments are possible, depending on time already spent on the project.  

What You Already Know

I need to know everything that you know, including information on other family members, like Aunts and Uncles.  If you only supply me with your direct line, then it will take longer for me to find new information on your family.

If you are just starting out, you may use the forms I have supplied at the bottom of this page.

If you have a family tree created online at a website, you can email me the link.

If you have a family tree created in software, such as Family Tree Maker, Legacy or any type of PAF file, download it as a GEDCOM file and email it to me.

Available Formats

Online:  Please note that any subscription fees to websites are at the  discretion of the customer; new family trees can be created at websites of your choice; existing trees you may have can be edited

Email: GEDCOM files (used to upload the data to your own genealogy software); charts; reports; PDF and/or JPEG images of records that are found

CD: GEDCOM files; charts; reports; PDF and/or JPEG images of records that are found

Mail: Charts; reports; record copies; books; posters; calendars